
Transforming, Holistic, Extraordinary Game Of the Decade
is here to help you

Live It.

improve yourself, improve your business, improve the world

Have fun...


The Rules

To live the game you should follow these two rules: (1) Be yourself and (2) Try to have fun.

And the game begins

We start wit the Gamer - Player.

1. And here is a question for you.
Who are you?

2. There is also the world. And the next question.
How does that world look like right now?

3. There is the third question.
How do you want this world to look like at the end of 2030?

4. And the fourth question for you is also rather simple.
Who do you want to be in that world?

And this is how the Game begins for you. With these four simple questions.
So the game begins now.
And your first quest is...

Take a selfie movie, that is a movie of yourself. 
		Tell yourself who you are today, how your world looks like, how your business looks like, how your personal life looks like. Tell yourself about your people, family, friends, foes, if you have them. And now go a decade in the future - how does all this look like? How you think it'll and how you would like it to be. Film it all and save it in a safe place, so you could come back to it in 2030 (or in any other moment you might need this).

And now you can check all the other quests

improve yourself, improve your business, improve the world

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